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How Feeling Beautiful Can Create A Beautiful Life

Updated: Oct 12, 2020

Beauty standards and what beauty means differs for many people. And, I don't mean the beauty standards that are all over social media these days. I mean what makes you feel beautiful. I find that sometimes when you are going through fertility treatments or life in general the last thing you are thinking about is how do I look? But what I'm learning is that saying that "beauty is only skin deep" is very true. It's not about what you see it's about how you feel and if you know anything about the Law of Attraction or Faith it's is all about believing what you want. One of my favorite quotes is by Coco Chanel " If you're sad, add more lipstick and attack".

Joy, sadness, excitement; I would often say positive affirmations and wondered why things were not changing for me. Yes, speaking positively over yourself is powerful but the miracle happens when you start believing what you are saying and the way to start believing what you are saying about yourself is to feel what you are saying. You have to begin seeing what you want, once you can see what you want you can feel what you want. Imagine with me; you have been wanting something really bad and it still has not happened, you've been doing all the right things, saying the right things and getting up each time you're knocked down. After a while you become jaded and feel as though nothing will change, pessimism sets in. Because you think you're focused on what you want but, you are really focused on what you don't have and it makes you feel miserable. Now imagine, seeing and feeling whatever you have been desiring. No limitations, no hows, no whens, just having that thing you've been wanting. You feel joy, excitement and like anything is possible right? That is the power we hold. We can see what is or see what we want to see and somehow the universe agrees with us good, bad or indifferent. When you feel differently about something you act differently and therein lies the miracle!

“If you're sad, add more lipstick and attack.”

Ask, believe, receive and let go. Seems easy enough, but this was a hard one for me, because I related letting go to giving up. I started to realize something though, the more I complained about how I looked and what I was not happy with, the more I created just that. Me feeling so negatively about myself did not help me get where I wanted, it drove me into a deeper darker hole. How did I change it? Through therapy, coaching, prayer, meditation and, I started small. I found things about myself that I loved; I started talking to myself like I would a best friend and only spoke what I wanted to see. I looked in the mirror and I found one thing I liked about myself everyday. Sooner or later one thing turned into three things. I began to appreciate who I am, my life, experiences, high and lows. Because all of it brought me to this point and for the first time I saw things from a different perspective. I realized that the only limitation were the ones I put on myself. There is nothing that separates you from anyone else. We are all given the same 24 hours a day and we are all human, but the deciding factor to getting what you want is what you do with that 24 hours. Will you spend it complaining or will you spend it changing what's in your power to change?

So how does all of this create a beautiful life? When you feel and see beauty in little things, you begin to see beauty everywhere. But it starts from within and overflows to your life. One of my favorite authors Louise Hay has many books but the one that changed my life was Heal Your Body. In it she talks about how every disease in our body is dis-ease and is merely a manifestation of deeper underlying issues, a lot having to do with how we see ourselves. She goes on to have you repeat things like I release (whatever it is) and then say I love and approve of myself. That was so powerful to me, to be able to love and approve of myself without needing outside reinforcements. You learn to appreciate everyday as a gift. moments are not stolen away with doubt and confusion. If we can realize the power we embody the world would be a very different place.

It's like a muscle, the more you use it the easier it becomes. We may not hit the mark everyday, but we can give it 100% no matter what that looks like.

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Nov 12, 2018

Thank you so much Chloe! It's one of my favorite quotes too.


Chloe Toni
Chloe Toni
Nov 12, 2018

This article is absolutely beautiful! I love that Coco Chanel quote! xx


Nov 03, 2018

Me too Kate. It really does change your perspective. Thank you for reading 💕


Kate Hal
Kate Hal
Nov 03, 2018

I really agree feeling beautiful makes your outlook so much more positive. I love dressing up and making myself look nice, it makes me feel great and I just feel so much more confident in my everyday life. Especially when I'm feeling a bit down.


Oct 31, 2018

Thank you aboutagirlblog. The book made me do some deep reflection in what I was allowing to rule my life!

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